Criollo Qualities
The Criollo breed is a horse that can be used for riding all levels of equestrians and also in the game of polo. They can also be utilized as ranch hands and plow and also help in cattle herding as well. Experts have acclaimed the horses for being a breed that can live for many years, stay tough, and enjoy being trained. They can be found in Argentina and also in other neighboring communities all along the coast of the Pacific Ocean.
Criollo Temperament
The personality of the Criollo horse is that of being kind and gentle. These animals are tractable and also eager and willing to learn any and every type of new skill their owners can throw at them.
Criollo Appearance
The Criollo horse is a smaller breed that stands at around fourteen hands when they are full grown adult horses. They can bode either a convex head or simply a straight one. Most horses have only one of those descriptions, just another unique trait that the Criollo breed possesses. They have strong legs and shoulders and are excellent choices for carrying many heavy items and even plowing.
Criollo Upkeep
When considering if you can care for a Criollo horse or not, think of how easy your life could potentially become. They are practical animals to own as they have an excellent work ethic and also a loving and easy to get along with personality. Additionally, coming from a place such as Argentina, this horse breed can adapt to many different climates rather quickly.
Criollo History
The Criollo horse is a breed that comes from the beautiful lands of Argentina. They have an interesting ancestry that dates all the way back to the fifteen hundreds. In fact, this breed can be traced to the explorer named Pedro de Mendoza who set off and landed in Buenos Aires. Along with him experts have claimed he had around one hundred horses accompanying him on his travels. While that can be described as a large amount of horses to get through the entire traveling experience abroad, of what little amount remained they went on to create the basis for the breed that the Criollo horse evolved from. When the Native American people began to gather away from the Buenos Aires lands, they actually let a large amount of this breed get away and freed them to roam the country on their own. Since these times, they have come a long way and in doing such they have also altered the manner in which they accept more horses into their exquisite breed. They have been referred to by one other name, that of "King of the Pampas".
Source: Horsebreeds